Lincolnshire Multiply Champions
Could your organisation become a Lincolnshire Multiply Champion?
Local employers (with 5+ employees) and community groups have the opportunity to apply for a £1,000 grant and become a Lincolnshire Multiply Champion. This initiative supports numeracy development for employees or individuals within local communities.
Multiply Champions are part of Multiply, a fully funded, national UK government programme for adults (19+ years) designed to improve numeracy skills by offering personal tutoring, digital training, and flexible courses for individuals, businesses, and community groups.
Improved maths skills can open doors to employment, career progression, further study, and enhance various aspects of daily life.
A Lincolnshire Multiply Champion is…
How Might a Lincolnshire Multiply Champion Use Their £1,000 Grant?
How Can I Become Involved with Multiply?
Applications for the Multiply Champions Grants are OPEN! To support your employees and/or local community to develop their numeracy skills, and receive a grant to help achieve this, please Apply HERE to become a Multiply Champion today.