Smiling lady in a classroom of adult learners

Multiply Champions: Success Stories

At 2aspire, we invite local employers and community groups to become Lincolnshire Multiply Champions. You can apply for a £1,000 grant to help improve numeracy skills for your team and community members.

Multiply Champions are part of a national UK government programme that offers free tutoring, digital training, and flexible courses for adults (19+ years). This programme aims to boost maths skills, which can lead to better job opportunities, career growth, further education, and improved daily life. 

Here are two success stories from organisations using this initiative to enhance numeracy skills in our community:

HMP North Sea Camp 

HMP North Sea Camp has made remarkable strides in improving numeracy skills among both staff and residents through the Multiply programme.  

One notable success story involves a prisoner who joined the first cohort of Multiply learners. Initially, he was nervous about studying maths after many years and had a negative experience during his school years. He lacked confidence in the classroom but decided to sign up for three courses: “Dad’s Maths,” “Basic Budgeting,” and “Getting Back into Studying Maths Again.” 

Over the six-week programme, his transformation in both confidence and ability was astounding. His progress was so significant that he requested to mentor others through the courses and become a Multiply Champion. 

HMP North Sea Camp has given him time off work to support his peers in the classroom, working alongside a tutor from Boston College. He also manages the equipment purchased with Multiply funding, increasing engagement across the prison. 

He shared, “The Multiply courses have given me the confidence to believe in myself again. I’m so pleased that I’m able to help others learn, and I hope they feel as confident as I do by the time they complete the course.” 

HMP North Sea Camp is grateful for the opportunities provided by the Multiply funding. The programme supports prisoners on their resettlement journeys, equipping them with essential skills for success upon release and reducing the likelihood of reoffending. 

Fosdyke Playing Field and Social Club 

The Fosdyke Playing Field and Social Club is making significant strides in enhancing community services. Located in Puttock Gate near the village centre, the playing field offers play and recreation facilities for everyone in the community. 

One of the key initiatives is the Warm Welcome Club, led by a dedicated community member. Through the Multiply Champion programme, she has learned to input data and use figures to plan her budget and spending during the winter months. By collecting information on heating, lighting, food, and drink costs, she can present this data to the charity, informing them of her future needs and the impact of extra costs on her budget. This helps in agreeing on new project ideas. 

From humble beginnings, the playing field now boasts an adventure playground for young children, an all-weather multi-use games area, and a youth shelter. Additionally, there is a thriving Sports and Social Club with modern facilities and access. The original porta-cabin changing room has been replaced with a unit offering separate accommodations for home and away teams and officials, complete with showers and toilets. 

The Playing Field Committee continues to look forward to their next projects, which aim to provide more play equipment and facilities for both young and old residents of Fosdyke.

If your organisation recognises the importance of maths at work and in everyday life and is prepared to promote and support numeracy development within their workplace and the wider community, apply to become a Multiply Champion! 

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